Pros and cons of e-books

Since the first models of electronic books appeared on the market, fans of passing the time while reading another detective story or a love story breathed a sigh of relief. Indeed, carrying a small, e-book-like notepad in a bag is much easier than bulky and heavy printed counterparts.

Device Overview

On the topic of what is better electronic or "live", made from paper book, for a long time, fierce debate. Of course, the gadget cannot reproduce the rustle of pages and convey the gadget's inherent fragrance of printing ink (although progress does not stand still), but it cannot accommodate several dozen, or even hundreds of works, paper volumes beyond their power. On the pros and cons of e-books more:

What are the benefits

The main advantage of e-books is their environmental friendliness, manifested in the absence of the need for wood as the main consumable material for production. In other words, the trees are intact, and there is something to read. In addition, electronic "readers":

  1. Very roomy. With the use of one e-book, you can read the entire stock of world artistic and scientific literature, just to have enough time and battery power. One "reader" is designed for 250 GB of internal memory.
  2. Equipped with convenient functionality. Going to the settings, the user can select a convenient font for reading, format the text and the appearance of the windows. Books "remember" where a person stopped reading and when turned on again, open the necessary page in the manner of a bookmark.
  3. Allow to read in the dark. The built-in backlight will significantly save the cost of paying the electricity bills of the owner, since he will not have to turn on the lamp to read the new novel of his favorite writer.
  4. Connect to the Internet and work from flash cards. You can replenish the contents of your personal library in any of convenient ways — download or download from removable media.
  5. Allow to make notes. Select the necessary for writing an essay or a line from the verse paragraph, you can simply swipe your finger on the touch screen. The book will transfer the selected to the folder "notes", where the user can easily, if necessary, be able to find important information.

What cons can be found

Before you go to the electronics store for a new "reader", you need to consider that they have some drawbacks. Among the minuses are:

  1. Harm to the eyes. No matter how adapted and harmless to sight e-books are considered, they still give eye strain.
  2. Chance of breakage. If you compare the e-book with the printed side of the probability of failure, then the "gadget" is much more likely to break, catch a technical failure, or simply discharge. Printed publications, even if they are torn or soaked, can “come back to life” with the help of a person; you will have to repair a wet e-book.
  3. High price. This feature is a controversial issue. If we consider it from the side of the cost of all the printed editions that were placed in one “reader”, then - yes, the e-book costs much less. If viewed from the position of use for reading 1-2 books every six months, then the gadget will be much more expensive.
  4. The need for constant recharging. To use the gadget in full, it must be charged. In some models, this process lasts for quite a long time, which users do not quite like. In addition, over time, the battery fails and ceases to hold a charge.

Of course, you cannot regard the e-book as a subject of historical or cultural value. Only books uploaded to her have value, which she allows every interested person to touch.

Watch the video: Ebooks Vs. Physical Books Vs. Audiobooks. Pros & Cons (April 2024).

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