Top 10 dirtiest places in the apartment

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the rating of the dirtiest items in the apartment.

Sponges, rags for washing and cleaning

On the first position of our list are just sponges and rags for cleaning. A humid environment is optimal for the development of microbes. That is why washcloths must be changed at least 1 time per week.

Kitchen towels

Kitchen towels are placed in the second position, all because they often wipe their hands and at the same time they do not dry out as expected. Do not forget to wash kitchen towels at least twice a week and let them dry after use.

Cutting board

In the third position, it was the kitchen board. Yes, the item we use for cooking. The number of microbes that are on the cutting board is about 200 times the number of microbes in the toilet. But this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the board at all. You need to purchase several cutting boards for individual products - meat, fish, vegetables. Do not use boards made of wood, give preference to metal products.

Shower curtain

Do you often wash the curtain in the shower? In order for microorganisms not to develop on it, it must be washed at least twice a month. After each shower, the curtain must be left uncovered so that it dries, because excess moisture is an excellent environment for the development of microbes.

Attention! It is not recommended to use polyethylene curtains for a shower cabin. Give preference to vinyl, because they do not often appear mold. A significant advantage of vinyl curtains is that they can be washed in a washing machine.

In order to destroy the mold, it is necessary to soak the curtains in salt water. Ventilate the bathroom as often as possible and let the curtains dry well.

Trash bin, container

Of course, there will never be perfect cleanliness nearby. In order to maintain cleanliness in the apartment, throw away garbage daily, and do not store waste from vegetables in the apartment for more than three hours. Wash the bleach bin every two weeks and use garbage bags with ties.


He settled in sixth place. Whatever anyone says, but it can not be called the dirtiest thing in the apartment. The number of microbes on it is equal to 50 pieces by 6 cm, which is several thousand less than the leaders of our selection.

Fridge doors, washing machines, microwave ovens, dishwashers

It is the doors of the refrigerator, dishwasher, washer, microwave located on the seventh position of the list. Therefore, they must be cleaned regularly.

If you did not notice how the products deteriorated and did not remove them from the refrigerator on time, then they began to spread and at the same time infect other products. Each time after a spoiled product has been found in the refrigerator, the refrigerator must be thoroughly washed. All products must be stored in resealable containers.

Once a month, the door seal of the dishwasher must be cleaned with a special tool. After each use, the chamber must be wiped dry so that microorganisms do not start.

After each wash, the door of the washing machine must also be rubbed dry and under the gasket, including. After each wash, leave the door open until the moisture has completely dried.

In order to completely disinfect the equipment, it is necessary to regularly flush all removable parts.

Washing machine

What are your next steps after washing the laundry in the washing machine? Just close the door and move on to do your own thing? This is a gross mistake. Each time after the laundry has already been removed from the washer, the door must be thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth and completely wipe the water under the rubber band. After that, the washing machine is left open for several hours. If you leave moisture in the machine after washing, then the microbes will multiply at a tower speed.

Remote control, mouse, keyboard, handset

The penultimate position is occupied by the things that we use every day - keyboard, computer mouse, mobile phone, TV remote control. Have you ever disassembled the keyboard at least once in your life? And what did you observe there? Dirt, food crumbs, hair and even the remains of dead insects ... That is why all of the above items need regular cleaning - wipe them as often as possible with alcohol, if possible inside too.

Hallway, a rug in the hallway

In this room there are millions of bacteria that we bring from the street. It is in the corridor that pets love to live, especially on the shoes of their master, and after that they carry all this dirt around the apartment. By the way, it is through shoes that a pet can catch a serious illness, so do not allow your pets to sleep nearby shoes.

First you need to buy a rug, on which you will take off shoes, and only after that go further. It is on it that the main part of the dirt will remain and the apartment will become noticeably cleaner.

Each week, the mat must be washed with detergents in warm water. Shoes should be cleaned and washed immediately upon arrival. The floors in the corridor must be washed every day with the addition of detergent for the floor.

Have you ever thought that on one cm of the carpet in the hallway there are 4000 times more bacteria than on the toilet. Shaggy carpets in the hallway - the best option for the reproduction of bacteria, the accumulation of debris, ticks and the remainder of the skin ...

Do not forget to vacuum the carpet as often as possible. You can remove dirt from the carpet with ammonia diluted in water. After that, using a brush, the spots are cleaned from the carpet. After that, it is necessary to ventilate the room, and hang the carpet on the balcony for complete drying.

Watch the video: Hoarder's House- Dirtiest, Most filthy house on Youtube (April 2024).

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