How to hang a kitchen set

If necessary, to fix a new kitchen set in the kitchen, several questions arise, namely how to do it and with what. To perform these tasks, some important parameters must be considered.

Features of the work

When performing work, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to complete all construction and repair work.
  • The height of the cabinets is determined based on your personal preferences. The ideal parameter is the distance between the lower and upper tiers of the cabinets - 600 mm.
  • How evenly hung cabinets can be checked using the level.
  • If during the drilling of the wall it began to crumble, select a thinner drill, and in the future it will be possible to expand the hole.
  • There must be a distance of at least 500 mm between the stove and the gas stove.
  • Installation of the headset must begin from the lower tier.

IMPORTANT. Be sure to check for hidden electrical wiring before you start drilling the wall.

What are kitchen cabinets

This furniture is classified:

  1. Type of opening. May be horizontal or vertical. Most often you can find horizontal ones, they are easy to use.
  2. Destination. They can be ordinary, also ordinary privates with shelves or under the hood. Depending on their location, they can be divided into angular ones, those that are most convenient and linear.

Determined with mounting height

Before you start hanging furniture, you need to decide at what level it will be located. This is a very significant criterion; convenience of operation and aesthetics depend on it.

The most suitable distance between the cabinets of the upper tier and the countertop will be 550-600 mm. It is best to determine the parameter depending on the growth of the one who will use the furniture. When choosing the hanging height, consider whether any devices will be installed on the countertop. Depending on this, an increase in the distance between the countertop and the drawers may be required.

Type of fastener

The choice of fasteners must be approached with responsibility, because the reliability of the design will ultimately depend on your choice. The most commonly used screws are screwed into a wall plug. In construction stores they can be purchased in the kit, so you will not have difficulties with the selection of sizes.

REFERENCE. Choose galvanized screws 8x80 mm in size.

Another good option is the hooks, which are also screwed into the dowel. For normal installation, you can choose a special rail with adjustable suspensions. They are very convenient to use. They fix furniture well. Distribute the load evenly. Earlier, screws were used that were screwed into wooden choppers, but this mounting option is unreliable and has long been outdated.

Foundation preparation

After you have decided on the design and with a certain type of fastening, you can proceed to the stage of surface preparation. The wall should be flat, otherwise you will not be able to mount the kitchen set beautifully and evenly. All repairs must be completed.

Make the markup:

  • Measure the required distance from the countertop to the lower level of the attachments. Measurements must be extremely accurate, use a level.
  • Follow the exact same steps with the top edge of the cabinets.

We hang on drywall

When performing these works, it is worthwhile to understand that the material does not differ in high strength. The mounting method should be determined based on the size and weight of the kitchen set. The most suitable are butterfly dowels, as well as special dowels for gypsum plasterboard, but they are able to withstand weight up to 5 kg.

You can use mounting rails, which should first be attached to the wall. They can withstand weight up to 15 kg, but they do not look very beautiful. For the installation of a large headset, you should first provide for the implementation of mortgages in the form of a bar, it can also be brackets or a reinforced metal profile.

REFERENCE. In order to fix heavy structures will require the use of additional fasteners. These are decorative cables that are attached to the ceiling, chrome pipes installed on the floor.

We hang on foam blocks

There may be some problems with this material. Use long dowels, special foam block dowels for fastening, a rail on four self-tapping screws is suitable. It is best to distribute the load on the surface using a rail. A great choice would be a chemical anchor.

REFERENCE. When mounting the rail, three to four fasteners should be distributed to each cabinet.

Mounting on a wooden base

In this option, it is worth choosing the appropriate profiles with the bar placed inside. The part must be attached to the wall and then covered with a casing. Further, in this section, it will be possible to mount dowels or brackets. To hang a wall mount, you need to consider how you distribute the load.

Watch the video: How to Hang a Kitchen Wall Cabinet. Ask This Old House (April 2024).

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