DIY playpen for a child

Children are always distinguished by curiosity, it is so arranged by nature. Curiosity helps them get to know the world around them and quickly learn how to interact with it. And she’s a parental headache.

After all, before the birth of a child it was hard to imagine how dangerous one's own home can be: sharp corners, fragile objects, household chemicals, tools - this is not a complete list. And in order for the mother to have the opportunity to be distracted from the crumbs for a little while, it is necessary to temporarily limit his freedom of movement around the house.

The choice of materials and tools for creating a playpen for the child

Strong and reliable wooden structures are the most common option. Such a playpen with your own hands for a child will not turn over, because it has a solid weight. Its creation will not require special financial investments or the skills of carpentry. From the tools you will need:

  • Roulette and a simple pencil;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Drill with a drill of suitable diameter;
  • Self-tapping screws.

The materials are even simpler: round rods with a diameter of 1 to 2.5 cm and a beam with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm, respectively. It is recommended to choose dense and heavy wood - excess weight of the structure does not harm, but adds stability.

The arena of the grid is devoid of the main drawback of the wooden counterpart - hardness. In it, the child will not hit or be upset due to a painful fall. But the grid has several requirements:

  • No twisted fibers and inserts from fishing line or metal - there is a risk of cuts;
  • Cells 2.5 -3 cm in size (larger - a stuck handle or leg may get stuck; smaller - fingers or buttons of clothes get confused).

For the installation of such a structure, plastic pipes, fittings and a pipe cutter will also be needed.

Product Sizing

In many ways, the area reserved for children's games depends on the room. In cramped conditions, triangular models of playpens, which are located in the corner of the room, are preferable. If the apartment is spacious, then you can choose the classic rectangular and square shapes or not quite standard hexagonal - it all depends on the desires and possibilities.

The recommended height of the playpens is from 70 to 100 cm. The first option is more convenient for parents, since it will be easier to get the baby out of the playground. The second longer-playing - such an obstacle the child will not soon be able to overcome.

Having decided on the shape and size of the future children's playpen with your own hands, you can begin to calculate the necessary materials. For a wooden structure, everything is simple. The two perimeter of the arena is the total length of the beam. If there is a desire to make a reinforced structure, then you can add 4 more heights - for corner posts.

The recommended gap between the rods ranges from 5 to 7 cm. Their number, respectively, is equal to the perimeter (in cm) divided by the distance between the lattice elements. The resulting number is rounded to the nearest whole, and a couple of "reserve" bars are added to it.

With a mesh arena a little more complicated. The perimeter of the structure indicates linear meters of the grid. To calculate the length of the pipe, you will also need a height.

It is also important to consider the number of uprights. Corner - a prerequisite. If the side of the arena is equal to or greater than 1.5 meters, then you will need one additional rack.

The final formula: two perimeters + the height of the arena, multiplied by the number of racks. Fittings are calculated a little easier: the number of angles * 2 = the total number of angular, and the number of racks * 2 = the number of straight tees.

Step-by-step assembly of the structure

Creating an arena from a net and plastic pipes is an easy task. It is enough to cut the structural elements of the desired length, connect them using fittings and pull on the resulting wire mesh.

With the wooden version, everything is a little more complicated:

  1. The cutting and marking of the beam is carried out.
  2. According to the marks on the horizontal holes are drilled under the rods at half the thickness of the wood.
  3. Half cuts are cut along the edges of the workpieces - these are the joints.
  4. The rods, if necessary, are shortened to the desired length.
  5. All blanks are sanded, then polished. The corners of the beam at this stage can be rounded with a plane.

The final step is to assemble the structure. The rods are simply inserted into the grooves of the longitudinal strips, which are then fixed at the joints with self-tapping screws. Manege is ready.

Expert Advice

In the manufacture of the wooden version, you can go for a little trick - to connect the corners with the help of rods. For this, along the edges of the timber, in addition to the cut, a through hole of the corresponding diameter is also made. The height of the corner rods should be half the thickness of the array more than other elements of the lattice. When assembling, the corner rod will reliably connect the arena design without glue and self-tapping screws.

Coating wood with varnish or paint is not recommended. Polishing with a thick cloth is enough to remove the splinter, and if the child decides to nibble on an obstacle, then harmful paints and varnishes do not bite.

That the easy arena from a grid and plastic did not turn over, it is possible to weight it. To do this, it is enough to pour simple sand into the lower pipes of the structure - the child will definitely not be able to cope with such a load.

Watch the video: DIY PLAYPEN TAGLISH #1 (April 2024).

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