What kind of dishes can I use in the microwave?

Choosing the right microwave cookware is a guarantee of safety. Nowadays, a microwave oven is a household appliance and a reliable assistant in the kitchen. Cooking, defrosting, warming up food with its help is significantly accelerated and saves time.

Although today some concerns are still being expressed whether a specific stove is harmful to human health.

Experts are sure: with the competent use of smart technology, it will not have a negative impact on humans. But only if the “right” dishes are selected.

The requirements are simple: for safe and prolonged use of the microwave and harmless cooking need utensils specifically designed for microwave.

REFERENCE! The American scientist P. Spencer, the inventor of equipment for radars, conducted experiments with a magnetron back in 1946 and found that the device had melted chocolate wrapped in foil in his pocket.

So the case determined the discovery, which to this day pleases the hostesses.

What happens to dishes in the microwave

Main function ovens - quick heating food. However, in some cases occurs unexpected: loaded containers become hot.

Let's figure it out together why does the microwave heat dishes and not food?

If we recall the school physics lessons, we can easily explain everything.

In the oven, a process different from the usual heating of food over an open fire occurs. A warming role is played here. microwavewhich act solely on water molecules. They move along a waveguide with metal walls that reflect magnetic radiation.

Moving inside the device, the waves randomly accelerate the movement of the liquid. The process of isolating temperature begins. This heat is transferred to the container. An unsuitable microwave oven bowl becomes warm.

IMPORTANT. If you find a hot plate instead of heated food in a microwave oven, it means that it is not suitable for the device.

Utensils that can be used in the microwave

Having created a furnace with high-speed heating capabilities, scientists determined what the dishes should be for the unit.

The main advantage of suitable containers - thermal stability, the ability to maintain their qualities and not emit harmful substances under the influence of high temperatures.

Such containers can be safely loaded into the oven for cooking, heating, defrosting products.

Microwave brings food to the boiling point of water (100 ° C). Heat-resistant cookware withstands up to 140 ° C.

Based on these data, you can use a refractory container, as it easily tolerates heating up to 300 ° C.

Is suitable dishes made from such materials:

  • glass;
  • clay (faience, ceramics, porcelain);
  • plastic labeled “for cooking”;
  • silicone.


This material is best option use in a microwave oven. Glass walls do not get warm, as they pass microwaves. To heat food, you can take ordinary glassware. One condition - it must be durable, without patterns and patterns, otherwise the product will be heated unevenly.

A great option was heat resistant glass.

Due to its qualities, it has a wide range of applications:

  • grill;
  • convection;
  • defrosting;
  • microwave cooking.

The advantages of glass containers:

  • Ease of maintenance: containers are easy to clean.
  • Resistance to absorption of odors that do not impregnate the structure.
  • Ease of use (you can see the cooking process) and serving. A beautiful sudok with a hot dish can be immediately brought to the festive table.

IMPORTANT! This material does not tolerate temperature surges. Cold glassware cannot immediately be set to warm-up mode.

pay attention to LUMINARC.

It is a well-known manufacturer of quality cookware. It is famous for impact-resistant glass, which is created using special melting technologies. As a result, products are able to withstand greater loads than ordinary glass.

Hardened dishes easily tolerate temperatures up to 130 ° C, which allows you to use it in a microwave oven.

When purchasing Luminarc, pay attention to the marking or check with the seller if a specific microwave container is suitable.

IMPORTANT! Crystal glassware, although it is glass, is not suitable for use in microwave ovens.

The reason is the composition of the crystal, in which there are metals: silver and lead. Such material heats up much faster and more unevenly, which is why a large share of the probability of a split.


Clay containers are refractorytherefore they microwave friendly. An important condition: choose pots without drawings and varnish coat. During operation, they may ignite.

Ideal ordinary handmade items.
Another condition is lack of chips.
There is one drawback: the surface of such products heats up more than special containers designed specifically for microwave.


The basis of this material is also clay, the properties of faience are similar to the dishes described above. The difference is in processing and production technology.
Such products can be used for heating. Desirable objects without drawings, painted with paint, as it may include metals that will harm the operation of the microwave.


Another variety of clay products. Great for lovers of crisp. For microwave produce special glass ceramic containers. They have bottoms with a special layer that heats up under the influence of microwaves.

TIP. When using ceramic objects, you must first heat the container without food, then make a bookmark and start cooking.

In this case, the food will get a golden crust. After that, the dish is covered and brought to readiness.


Another material that can be used in microwave is porcelain. It should be borne in mind that this variety of fine ceramics absorbs microwaves well, from which can get very hot.

You should be very careful with such items when loading into the microwave!
Be sure to pay attention to the coating of glaze. It should be uniform. The quality of heating the food will depend on this. Like glass, porcelain does not like sudden changes in temperature.


Very convenient to use: containers are lightweight, unbreakable, equipped with suitable lids.

However, you need to be careful. Plastic plastic strife. Not every good for use in the oven, and indeed for food from them.


In the microwave can not use plastic with marking:

  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride);
  • PS (polystyrene).

Can heat and cook in a bowl with the inscriptions:

  • P (polyamide);
  • PP (polypropylene);
  • Thermoplastic;
  • Duroplast.

The container, having the last two names, does not deform when heated, can withstand temperatures over 100 ° C. And a big plus of these things - they are not afraid of temperature changes, unlike glass products.

IMPORTANT. In addition to indications of the type of plastic, microwave-safe items may have additional special markings.

Microwave Enabled Images:

  • First, there must be a "fork spoon".

  • Secondly, the icon with schematic drawing of a microwave.

Plastic film

Very comfortable modern material. Can be used as a lid for any container, as well as for quick heating of small products: sandwiches, pieces of meat, etc.

Tips for using plastic utensils

  • Do not use containers for grilling and long cooking.
  • Trust famous brands. Buy dishes in trusted stores. And feel free to ask for certificates of conformity and quality.
  • Poor plastic releases harmful chemicals into food. Do not chase cheapness. This cookware can be counterfeit, and therefore dangerous to health.

Disposable items

Another sign of today is a large number of products for use 1 time. In modern microwave ovens allowed to set items made from different materials.

Thin plastic or aluminum containers and plateand.

An indispensable thing in some cases. It is very convenient to take home-made food to work, to nature, on the road. They are universal, do not require washing.

REFERENCE. The very thin aluminum sheet used for heating is safe and approved for use in microwave.

After warming up, they are used as plates from which they eat. After which they will only have to be disposed of.

Paper and cardboard utensils.

Covered with a wax film, which gives additional protection against leakage. However, with increasing temperature, this layer melts. Therefore, this capacity is suitable only for heating, it is impossible to cook in it. Additional requirement: food should be low in fat and sugar.

Why you can’t put metal dishes in the microwave

For microwave not fit and even banned following items:

  • containers with any iron content;
  • container with a gold border.

The reasons microwave incompatibilities

  • There is the possibility of static discharge, which will lead to damage to the device.
  • The paint may contain metal particles, which can cause electrical discharge.
  • Microwaves do not pass through the metal, it acts as a reflector screen. In such a cup the food will not be warmed up. This cookware conducts electricity, but for waves, it is not permeable.
  • A metal-containing cup may begin to sparkle. This will cause an explosion inside the microwave!
  • Improper use of the microwave device can cause a fire, and subsequently a fire.

However there are exceptions to the rules

  • Aluminum foil sheets. It is allowed to application to isolate products from burning.
  • Factory foil packaging. Such dishes should have a depth of not more than 2 centimeters. When using it, do not forget to remove the cover!

Watch the video: 7 Dorm-Friendly Microwave Meals + Microwave Cleaning Hack (April 2024).

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